Planet Rise Up – PARTY 05-10-2024

// see english translation below

Komm und sei dabei. Spenden und SolibeitrĂ€ge fĂŒr unseren Umbau sind dabei immer sehr gerne gesehen

Es gibt wieder ein umfangreiches und vielfĂ€ltiges Programm mit vielen tollen KĂŒnstler:innen und mit einer PrĂ€sentattion des geplanten Umbaus unserer Architektin Gabu Heindl.

flyer planet 10 party am 5. oktober 2024

Programm Party 5-10-2024

  • ab 17:00 Kaffee, Kuchen & Kakao
  • 18:00 eine Reise durchs Planet 10 Haus fĂŒr Kinder (und Erwachsene 😉
  • 18:30 Kinder Disco: DJ Lucy Bakanal & Fra
  • 19:30 Poesie: Mihret Kebede, multidisciplinary artist/poet und planet10writerfriends (Texter:innen rund um den Planet 10)
  • 20:15 Konzert: Oluchukwu aka LoveMore
  • 20:45 Infos zu den UmbauplĂ€nen: prĂ€sentiert von Gabu Heindl Architektur und Planet 10
  • 21:15 Drag shows: Madame LĂ©a, Major Simp, STORM
  • 22:00 DJs: Gawdesque, Fadidadi, DJ Saratonin, DJ bĂĄwo

// english translation

Come and join us. Donations and solidarity contributions for our renovation are always very welcome

There will again be an extensive and varied program with many great artists and a presentation of the planned renovation by our architect Gabu Heindl.

flyer planet 10 party am 5. oktober 2024

Program Party 5-10-2024

  • from 17:00 coffee, cake & cocoa
  • 18:00 A journey through Planet 10 House for children (and adults 😉
  • 18:30 Children’s disco: DJ Lucy Bakanal & Fra
  • 19:30 Poetry: Mihret Kebede, multidisciplinary artist/poet and planet10writerfriends (writers around Planet 10)
  • 20:15 Concert: Oluchukwu aka LoveMore
  • 20:45 Info on the renovation plans: presented by Gabu Heindl Architektur and Planet 10
  • 21:15 Drag shows: Madame LĂ©a, Major Simp, STORM
  • 22:00 DJs: Gawdesque, Fadidadi, DJ Saratonin, DJ bĂĄwo

05. 10. PARTY – save the date

save the date
am Samstag 5. Oktober 2024 ab 17 Uhr feiern wir (wieder) den Planeten und unser großes Umbau/Ausbau-Vorhaben fĂŒr mehr Wohnraum und Community-spaces.

am Samstag 5. Oktober 2024 ab 17 Uhr feiern wir (wieder) den Planeten und unser großes Umbau/Ausbau-Vorhaben fĂŒr mehr Wohnraum (+ 5 Stockwerke) und Community-spaces.
Dazu Infos beim Fest, u.a. von GABU Heindl Architektur.

Wir freuen uns auf live acts – mehr Infos und Flyer folgen bald – Auflegerei, eine Umbau-Haustour fĂŒr Kinder, Poetry, Konzert – und vor allem auf euch.


on Saturday, October 5, 2024 from 5 pm we will (again) celebrate the planet and our major conversion/expansion project for more living space (+ 5 floors) and community spaces.
More information at the party, including from GABU Heindl Architektur.

We are looking forward to live acts – more information and flyers will follow soon – DJing, a conversion house tour for children, poetry, concert – and above all we are looking forward to you.

Update Umbau Planet 10 – 202406

//EN translation see below

Planet 10 baut aus. Wir sind mittendrin.

Gerade wird gleichzeitg die Einreichung an die Stadt Wien gemacht (Wir schaffen neuen Wohnraum!) und an der Architektur gebastelt.

Basteln tun wir, unsere Architekt:innen (GABU Heindl Architektur) planen fĂŒr uns.

Und so werden die Grundrisse fĂŒr die Wohnungen besprochen (Balkone fĂŒr alle, yeah) und die Nachhaltigkeit von Heizung, Baumaterialien und Stromversorgung.

Detail aus einem Workshop mit den Architekt:innen

“Was bedeutet PV?”


“Photovoltaik, ja bitte immer unterbrechen wenn ich zuviele AbkĂŒrzungen verwende”

Antwort der Profis 😉

Aktualisierter Spendenflyer. Wir brauchen immer noch viele Spenden und Direktkredite
Bitte weiterleiten oder sharen

danke, Planet 10

//EN translation

Planet 10 is expanding. We are right in the middle of it.

At the same time, the submission to the City of Vienna is being made (We are creating new living space!) and the architecture is being tinkered with.

We are tinkering, our architects (GABU Heindl Architektur) are planning for us.

And so the floor plans for the apartments are discussed (balconies for everyone, yeah) and the sustainability of heating, building materials and power supply.

Detail from a workshop with the architects

‘What does PV mean?’


‘Photovoltaics, yes please always interrupt if I use too many abbreviations’

Answer from the professionals 😉

Updated donation flyer. We still need many donations and direct loans
Please forward or share

thank you, Planet 10

Radio Interview 06. MĂ€rz 2024

see english translation below

Mehr als ein Dach ĂŒber dem Kopf
Podcast: Globale Dialoge – Women on Air

Eray und Louis haben anschließend an den Beitrag in der Zeitschrift FrauensoldaritĂ€t ein Radiointerview gegeben. Auf Orange 94.0 in der Sendereihe Globale Dialoge geben wir Antwort auf Fragen wie: Was Umverteilung fĂŒr uns bedeitet. Wieso wir aufbauen bzw. mehr Platz zur Wohnen schaffen wollen. Wie es möglich ist uns finanziell zu unterstĂŒtzen.

Im GesprÀch: Louis Hofbauer und Eray Aslan (Planet 10)
Sendungsgestaltung: Bernadette Schönangerer und Andreea Zelinka (frauensolidaritÀt)
Im Radiostudio: Eray, Bernadette, Andreea, Louis

More than a roof over your head
Podcast: Global Dialogues – Women on Air

Eray and Louis gave a radio interview following the article in the magazine FrauensoldaritÀt. On Orange 94.0 in the Global Dialogues series, we answer questions such as: What redistribution means for us. Why we want to build or create more space for housing. How it is possible to support us financially.

In conversation: Louis Hofbauer and Eray Aslan (Planet 10)
Program design: Bernadette Schönangerer and Andreea Zelinka (frauensolidaritÀt)

Donations and direct loans to Planet 10


We are happy about every donation

No matter how much.
Support us in creating affordable housing for refugees in an anti-discriminatory, self-managed project house.

Contact us: info @

Account details:

Planet 10 Kulturverein
IBAN: AT482011129313011300

Direct Loans

What is a direct loan?

A directly lent amount without the detour via a bank at individually agreed conditions (amount, term, interest). For more on the practice of direct loans and the neutralization of property (the removal of real estate from the market and thus from speculation), see the Austrian habiTAT or the MietshÀusersyndikat Germany.

The house, which is owned by the non-profit cultural association Planet 10, is to be transferred to the MietshÀusersyndikat-like Austrian habiTAT in the near future in order to permanently remove the house from the market.

This means to guarantee a self-determined form of living also for destitute persons, to prevent housing speculation and to neutralize ownership.

Direct loans for a term of 1 to 30 years

Or/and support us with a direct loan in the amount of your choice. With us you know exactly what we use your money for, which you do not need at the moment and with which we can build.

Park your money safely with us as a direct loan

Your money is safely parked with us, because we are able to repay all direct loans on the agreed repayment date, due to always new direct loans, some very long terms of direct loans, as well as donations and significantly more rental income after construction. We already used this practice when we bought the land and house in 2009, here the last direct loans are about to expire or have been repaid.

Term & Interest

After the term you have decided, your money will be paid back to you. For this we can also offer interest depending on the agreement and term.


After a contractually agreed period of time (e.g. after 2 or 5 years) you can get your loan back early in case of sudden personal need (after an agreed period of e.g. 3 months depending on the loan amount).


Should Planet 10 become insolvent during or after the construction period, the direct loans of the Housing Fund of the City of Vienna and any loans taken out with the bank must legally be repaid first. Only then will the private direct lenders follow. However, the association Planet 10 owns the property and the stock and thus a high real value, which guarantees security.

Contact us: info @